Before and After

This morning on Julie's blog, she tagged me for a 'Gorgeous Blog Award' (thanks!) which asks me to share 6 things you might not already know about me. Okay, cool. I was already planning to do a lil' post about the pic above, so I'll add it to the list and throw in a few more life facts. So drum roll are 6 things:

1. I sort of have a Before/After weight/fitness story of my own. I didn't realize I had one til about 4 mo's ago when I stumbled upon the picture of me (above) from a trip five years ago to Thailand. While I don't think I'm especially overweight, I clearly remember this photo back then being my wake up call to do something about my weight and fitness.

2. I was a former elementary, middle school, and high school bilingual school counselor and educator for the past ~16 years. (Yikes! I didn't realize it was that long ago when I started) I started my teaching career through Teach For America in Los Angeles.

3. I have 4yr old boy/girl twins and it took us a LONG time to get pregnant (+2.5 yrs). We were about ready to try IVF, but found out that month I was pregnant....with twins!

4. Wayne Dyer's  Power of Intention had a powerful impact on how I perceived life. To me, it was similar to 'The Secret' book phenomena. Reading that book (on tape actually), shifted my paradigm of thinking. I'm not a big 'self help' book reader, but for some reason I read that book at the right time in my life (trying to get pregnant). (I subsequently went to listen to him live about a year ago and was pretty disappointed. But aw, well, I still dug the book.)

5.  I introduced George Bush Sr to my high school my Senior year. I was the ASB president, so got the honors. It was during his election, and despite being fairly anti-Bush, I was very impressed with him.

6. I love to go to dive bars and sing karaoke (like above). That was my favorite past time when I lived in LA. Now being up in Slow-noma, there aren't many options, but I still make it a point to do it every once in a while with my BFF in LA, or at the one dive bar that offers it up here:

 That's my list. Thank you Julie again for asking. Now, I'd love to learn more about you all. I'll make a list tomorrow, but if I've ever commented on your blog, just consider yourself tagged! Now go on and belt a tune!;-)


Anne said…
Too cool! Although I've since also been a bit disappointed with Dr. Dyer's more recent stuff, when my boys were young and I was living far from my family in Switzerland, a friend lent me the Wayne Dyer tapes and it really had an impact on me. This is like 20 years ago!!
You look like a rock star :)
Very interesting list!
SurferWife said…
Dive bars with karaoke are indeed fun though I tend to opt out on the karaoke part. You're welcome for that. :)
Dion said…
Your before picture is pretty much me right now. I find your transformation an inspiration! Someday, I too will post a before and after.
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
I loved your list!! I am so jealous that you can sing:) When I was younger I had a really pretty voice and then I became a cheerleader and it ruined my voice from all of the cheering/shouting that I did!! I admire anyone who can sing...even Karaoke!! Woo hoo, I bet that is fun:) Happy Thursday!!
Aimee said…
Nice list! I'm a teacher too, but I teach elementary school. I'm very fortunate to be able to take time off right now to be home with my boys, but I love teaching and will be going back soon!
AM! said…
Thanks gals! and a karaoke caveat...just b/c I sing doesn't mean I CAN truly sing. I'm more about the theatrics and interpretive dance that goes with the songs.;-)
Unknown said…
I have never sang Karaoke. I lived in Hawaii for a while and it was THE thing to do and I always passed. I guess it should be a bucket list thing :)
Maggs said…
Great list. I sang Karoke once. Only once. I have the worst singing voice ever.
Melissa said…
Awesome list and a much deserved award. :)

I love karaoke, but there isn't any here close.
Unknown said…
Wow, we really have a lot in common, I'm not suprised! I am a bilingual/Dual Language Immersion teacher, I started out with Teach for America and I have really learned a lot from D.D.'s books too! I'm not a fan of dive bars nor karaoke(ok, secretly I am) and I've never met George Bush. Great picture!
Unknown said…
Interesting post! I'll have go get thinking what I can put hehe
Teamarcia said…
Love your list! I too have a wake-up pic that finally got me on the road to better fitness. Wish I could find the darn thing, although it is seared on my retinas.
misszippy said…
Love the karaoke shot! I think you looked fine then, so you probably are a knock-out now! Thanks for sharing.
Born To Endure said…
Well you are beautiful in the before and after pics..:-))
Does Playstation RockBand count as karaoke?
Sherri said…
That is an awesome list! I am right now at my before let's hope there is a good "after"!
I also tried for over 4 years to get pregnant..but obviously I just needed a jump start! =)
I loved the list!
Marny said…
Awesome list! I love to karaoke too. You rock!
Unknown said…
Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article.

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