Follow Me Friday...


I don't know why (well, I sorta do), but I've been resisting adding the 'Follow' gadget on this blog. Maybe its because I get caught up with the whole vernacular of 'Follow' (As a former school counselor, it conjures up images of Queen Bees and Wanna Be's, and if no one follows, I'll feel like a super Wanna Be). Or maybe it's just because frankly I'm intimidated and jealous of all you cool blogs out there with a bizillion followers. I mean, I can't even imagine that!
But of course I can't because I haven't even tried! And isn't that what this blog is supposed to be about? Helping to push yourself, and learn to feel more comfortable with the anxiousness of trying new things? Whatever they may be. And I know in the grand scheme of life this 'Follow' button ain't that big of a deal, but it's all relative.

So... I added the 'Follow' gadget on the right side of my blog (tah-dah!). And now having done so, I realize what a total oxymoron it is to have not done it sooner! I mean here I am writing a blog, so clearly I want people to read it, but then not giving more ways to access it and interact with people. Funny.

So there it is, and here you are! Ya wanna come follow ;-) 

Happy Friday everyone!


Teamarcia said…
Looks like I stopped by just in time to board the Followers Express!
AM! said…
Choo-choo! Thanks teamarcia ;-)
Jill said…
I started my blog as a way for my then-trainer and I to analyze my running through my thoughts. All of a sudden, I had "followers" and I had no clue how to read their blogs or anything. I'm sure they thought I was all stuck up and whatnot. Since then, I've lost the trainer and I've meet tons of other supporters along the way and they are, by far, the best support team out there.
Have a great weekend!!
Tricia said…
:) I'm a follower!
JC said…
I am following YOU!
Shelley said…
I'm following youuuuuuuuuuuu

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