Week 45: Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive

Two weeks ago I got re-certified for CPR, and I'm happy (and lil' embarrassed) to report that after ~10 years of going through these classes...it finally clicks. I've always felt a little uneasy knowing I'm 'certified' but not really believing I could handle a CPR emergency. But this time round, I get it. 
I think a big reason so is because the American Red Cross and American Heart Association  finally joined camps and now use the same simple lingo, numbers, and jargon. They both use the Bee Gee's tune of Stayin' Alive while doing the pumps, and have streamlined the information so it's MUCH easier to remember. 
Now I'll  stand on my new lil' soapbox and say this: I think every person should take the time to get CPR certified. It's worth it.  Knowing the Check, Call, Care, 2 breaths/30 pumps can save a life. And it benefits every role we are in life: From Mom, Friend, Wife, Family Member,  to Athlete, Career, Health, and Personal growth. Just go out and do it. Maybe even make it a goal this week to sign up for a class;)

And speaking of our roles and goals, here are my Goals for the Week:
Mom: Buy them new markers and scissors- really it's been ~2 mo's overdue.
Grandaughter: Reach out with a phone call and card to my grandmother! this has also been long overdue.
Personal Growth: Try one new thing each day. Doesn't matter how small or big.
Home: Find cute twinkle lights for our outdoor patio
Finance: Fill out expense sheet for 09 for Quickbooks 15 minutes a day. Ugh! This is my biggest goal for the week!

As always, I write these goals on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I plan my day. I would love to hear how you go about your week and life.
Here's to Stayin' Alive!


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