A Turkey Went a Trottin'

Wanted to share a mini follow up for the Trot organized for T-day. We had around +40 people including kids, and managed to raise ~30lbs of canned goods, and $260 for Meals on Wheels. Woo-hoo!
Again, I'm so glad we rallied and did the event. I also look forward to Turkey Trot Two Thousand Ten! (now, that's alliteration at it's best) So here's a lil' push to all you runner/organizers out there to try a trot in your own neighborhood.  Or trot on over to mine:)


yes...so very cool, and was so very easy...

I guess the more you worry, the harder it is...we didn't stress, and it felt so easy!!

I recommend it to all!! We even made a full dinner while doing it...remember, it's just team work!

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