To Trot or Not to Trot!

Three years ago we started an impromptu Thanksgiving run because the closest 'official' Trot was over an hour away. We rallied  ~8 runners and as we jogged across our finish, declared it a Trot! Last year, we Upped the Annie by sending an evite, and had  ~25 people including kids show up. So this year we could possibly accrue an even larger crew! But as the time grew closer, I frankly didn't think I had the energy to rally people, get the word out,  etc, etc.
Before I threw in the towel though, I decided to ask the other co-host neighbor her interest level. Well, she fired back 'I'm always up for a Trot!' and 'I'll bring muffins and fruit!' and that was all I needed to hear.  Having a co-rally & host for the Trot made the difference.

This is what we did to organize 'The Trot':
1. Sent an evite to friends interested in getting some exercise before a day of feasting.
2. Created the course with
3. Posted a flyer at my kid's preschool
4. Ordered 2 'kraft's of coffee to pick up from Starbucks Thurs am
5. Put out a table for the suggested $10 dollar donation and/or canned goods to bring for Meals on Wheels
6. Have a small prize for hardest runner & stickers for kids

That's it! I'm glad were deciding to Trot this year.  I'm (almost) convinced it can be an easy way to create a rewarding tradition for the family and community.


Thanks for posting this! I've been contemplating doing a solo Trot but was inspired by your blog to invite friends along. Not sure yet who will be able to join me (if anyone) but I'll be out there at least. :)
Unknown said…
Truly inspiring! Looking forward to evite my family the day before our feasting on Christmas Day! Thank you, Thank you!!
Unknown said…
eviting my family for a Trot hour before feasting on Christmas Day!

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