Taking Risks is like Strength Training

I've been thinking a lot about taking risks and I'm left with it being analogous to doing strength training exercises that all target the same muscle.
Let's take the stomach. The basic way to strengthen it is by doing sit ups and crunches. Then there are more 'advanced' exercises such as crunches on a ball, reverse crunches, sit ups w/legs in the air, and so on, all which are crucial to strengthening it.
I think it's the same with risk taking. There are plenty of ways to take one. The basic and more 'harmless' way is by making a request to a stranger, or via an informal email, letter, and so on. Then there are advanced risks that involve asking someone whose opinion really matters to you, or about something that's very dear to your heart, asking in person, and so on. These  risks are crucial in strengthening your risk taking muscle. They help your ability to take on bigger risks and accept bigger failures. That's what I'm left with.
And I have to say, I've become much better at taking the more basic risks of emails, and making requests about things that sort of matter to me, etc. Now I'm ready to bump it up a notch and do a few more advanced level ones. My fictitious business statement above is an example of  a semi-higher risk (for me) because I had to file the name in person (no emails or indirect communication allowed), and I knew my name and statement would be in the local paper for all to see. But I feel comfortable with it all now, so bring on a higher risk! I still don't know what exactly it will be this week, but I do know it will be made in person, about something that I care about, and to someone whose opinion matters to me. And I'll do it knowing I want to embrace failure.
Ya think I can do it? We'll see....:)


awesome work! i need to set some goals myself. Love you,
maureen said…
This is really where growth occurs. And i want to encourage this in my kids too. Not sure if you have seen this, but the beginning part about kids being able to take risk (before adults smother that) is on target.
AM! said…
Maureen- love the idea of encouraging this in our kids. so so true. Thanks for bringing this up. It's in my awareness now...:)
Support feels crucial in situations like these...

Remember that you are not alone, and that we ALL are here to support and back you! And we feel what you are doing is awesome!!

This goes for all families who work together!

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