Week Twenty: It's 2:30 am Again?

I've been waking up at ~2:30 am every nite for the past week and it's drivin' me batty! Most times I can't go right back to sleep, so I've read somewhere that  after ~20 minutes of trying, you should just get up until you're ready to sleep again. 

So this past week, my 3 am routine has been to make a cup of tea, and lay on the couch with my organizer. Last nite was no exception, and I actually made good use of the time. There's something calming about having the entire house quiet and to yourself, to focus on the big and little life projects. 

So this morning as I was feeling extra smug about having my best plans plotted for the week, I happened to glance at the refrig door and see my JURY DUTY notice. Ahh! I needed to call and it was already 8:30! 

Luckily, I'm not needed...today, but I gotta call in every nite this week. It's these little things in life that can throw all the precious planning straight out the window I tell ya.  

My Goals for the Week:

Civic: Call Jury Duty every nite

Wife: Help DH get all his workouts in for is Ironman in 4 weeks

Mom: Be very mindful of washing hands. Be the role model I want my kids to emulate. 

House: This is my big one. Attack/embrace 1 room every day for cleaning/gutting/organizing. 

Personal Growth: See if I can create a Training tab and Food intakes tab on this blog

Athlete: Add to my shuffle playlist

Again, I write these weekly goals on a book mark (this week at 3am:), and review them every morning as I plan my day. Would love to hear how you go about your day and week. Cheers!


hey...am I DH? thanks for the reminder that it's only 4 weeks away...yikes!

I like the washing hands reminder; no, I'm not a fan of being fanatic, but it sure is a REALLY simple thing to do and prevent so many opportunities for illness.

especially with (2) 3-year olds, and lots of training and work, we tend to tax our bodies and the kids' bodies leaving us vulnerable...it's an easy prevention.

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