FAGE Yogurt Doubletake

I'm a new fan of FAGE yogurt- It's soooo good with a lil' honey and berries. Yum!!

But beware! This week while shopping at Trader Joes, I went to grab a container of the good stuff and noticed TWO types of FAGE on the shelf. Huh? I had only heard how 'low fat and healthy' the yogurt was, so assumed there was only one kind. Boy was I wrong! Not only are there 2 types, the calorie/fat difference is HUGE. One serving (1 cup) of the pink 'Total 0%' has 120 calories and 0 fat. And the Blue one?- 300 calories and 23 g fat!! Holy Cow! That's more than a serving of Hagen Daas ice cream- and FAGE is just plain yogurt!

Then I quickly realized I had bought the 'blue' container last week...and with that consumed +150 g more fat than anticipated. awesome. good times.

The good news though is I really can't tell that much of a difference between the two. I mean sure, it now made sense why my yogurt last week tasted really good. But over all, the pink 0% tastes virtually as yummy, and I'll have my +150 g of extra fat in ice cream or sugar coffees thank you very much;)


Anonymous said…
Hi there!

I see that you're a fan of Greek yogurt and I'd love to send you free coupons to give Stonyfield Oikos Organic a try. It's the only ORGANIC Greek yogurt on the market today - we think it's not only healthier for you, but better for the planet too :)

Just shoot me an email at if you're interested and let me know where to send them.

Take care!
Stonyfield Farm
AM! said…
Hey there! I'll definitely try out the Stonyfield yogurt w/coupons! I'll see how it tastes:)

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