Week Nine Goals: Get the Scoop

Here's a picture of my dear friend from college. Okay, well...that's not really true. The truth: Here's a picture of a girl named Gwyenth who was in my Drama 5 class at UCSB. I highly doubt she'd remember me today, but back then a group of us would go for coffee after class, and she (with ~2 others) would chain smoke as we chatted. Funny huh?
Well, I think that part of her life has changed as she seems to exude an uber healthy, organic lifestyle today. And honestly haven't we all changed since college? Oh, you bet ya.
So this fun bit of trivia is a precursor to ask if you've read any of the criticism over Gwyenth Paltrow's new lifestyle blog (www.goop.com). The headlines prompted me to check it out myself. Despite it's obvious overtones of 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous' while saying she 'keeps it real'... I don't know why the critics are knocking it. Sure her lifestyle is a WAY different reality than most, but hey, to each his or her own! No one is making anyone read the thing.

So in the spirit of supporting all lifestyle blogs, whatever style of life we choose, I thought I'd title my goals based on a few of her blog's themes- Make, Go, Get, Do, Be, See.

Make: (Gwyenth makes an oyster w/poissons for dinner) I want to make a study plan for reading the Lifestyle and Weight Management book

Get: (Gwyenth gets Tod's overcoats and shoes)- I want to get a new dog brush and brush my dog's hair a few times this week. With all the rain, and staying inside, our house is a shaggy mess.

Do: (Gwyenth does workouts with Madonna's dance trainer) I want to learn how to change my bike tire and love it. I have a LOT of resistance to working with bikes mechanically, so I want to embrace a new attitude and become a bike tire expert (or just feel comfortable changing a tire) Also, with the Lavaman tri coming up in a few weeks, it'll be helpful to feel comfortable changing my tire in case it gets slashed on a piece of lava!

Be: (Gwyenth wants to just BE with her kids) I want to be a risk taker at least 2 x's this week. It can be big or small. Just take a risk

See: (Gwyenth talks about childhhod
trips to the Paris' Ritz and ordering whatever they fancied for room service) I want to see a new place with my kids this week. I'm thinking it will be a new store or park, it's simple but it works:)

I don't think we'll be reading about Gwyenth's drama stint at UCSB on her blog anytime soon, but maybe she'll talk about her 1 semester in Isla Vista as a chain smoker frequenting coffee bars, and how it is not AT ALL like her lifestyle today. Oh, and BTW, even back in 1991, she ROCKED it as an actress!


sarah said…
that was fun to read!!!!!!!
you beat me by a mile in the celebrity drama class dept from ucsb. only dude i had in my section was some guy i later saw in a car commercial. would have preferred gg. anyway, i loved your goals in comparison to hers too...such a great reality check (for her if she should ever pass by your blog :).
Anonymous said…
Wow-there was some interview she did for a magazine (like vogue, or elle) and she commented that she wishes smoking wasn't so bad cuz she misses it!
Anyway, according to my sources(tmz,perez) some of the reason why she's getting so much flak is cuz she might have ripped off a lot of her ideas from Mary Kate Hearon's "The Weekly Beet" blog and also she rec. a $3,000 handbag.
I actually think ur dog brush is fine, maybe a new nail trimmer-or get the one u have now sharpened!
'til next time!
AM! said…
I love you as my TMZ reporter!
and yeah sarah, gotta love ucsb with it's hidden gems of pre-celeb history:)

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