Those Dang Sugar Coffees!

So these are the witching hours for me! The 3-5 o'clock hours are when I start convincing myself that I deserve a ~500 sugar coffee fix now (I did a great workout, I won't have dessert tonite, etc, etc).  BUT, I am really  trying to stick to my guns and have only 1 of those coffees a day. 

Today however, I really almost caved in. But instead I drove past my sugar coffee gas station and on to Safeway where I bought some fat free cocoa mix. I went home and mixed 2 packets w/ a lil hot water and a dash of my husband's leftover morning coffee to see if  that would curb my fix . The results: I think it's doing the job. I'm only half way through the cup but I'm digging the chocolate fix and feel good knowing it's only ~50 calories vs. ~500 empty calories. I also randomly grabbed the pictured coffee cup- it fits the new mood well eh?


Anonymous said…
you really think those puppies are 500 calories! whoooowie!
AM! said…
yeah, i think around that, especially for the size i get:)
Anonymous said…
hey hottie, did anyone ever tell you that you look like rachel hunter? love, kenman
AM! said…
Hey, now there's a compliment that'll help me stay away from those freakin' coffees:) thanks for writing a comment;)!

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