Happy New Year! Happy 2009!
With that comes a time to reflect on what went well for 08' and what we look forward to for 09'. I've had this vision of creating a goal oriented blog now for some time (~well...like ~5 mo's). As all bloggers out there can understand, I've gone through the motions (more like Emotions!) of how it feels to put yourself/ideas out there to the world. So one of my goals for 09' is from my good ol' running shoe: just do it. Just put it out there, work with it, and see what you come up with and who responds. So here's my first post. I've had a few dozen previously written in my head...but this is what it is.
I look forward to sharing what I do to organize my life to attempt to get the most out of fitness, family and friends...and I am really looking forward to hearing how everyone else out there does it too!
Cheers to 09'!


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