Go Groceries!

Above is my amazing grocery list for the week. ha ha! But I'm curious to know how people get their food shopping done. 
For me, it's been a fun challenge figuring out how to best minimize trips and maximize eating all the food I buy. This topic may sound petty, but really...it consumes more of our lives/time than we may care to realize or admit!

So this is my current grocery shopping process:

Most Sunday nights I plan dinners for the week, I look at each recipe, figure out what I need, and write those foods under either my Trader Joes or Safeway list- written on my Tuesday calendar page (b/c that's usually when I do the big shopping). My husband will at some point scan the fridge and pantry and tell me what else we'll need by Tuesday (I think this would be a fun thing for kids to do too!).
Then Tuesday am, right after I drop the kids off at pre-school, I grab my .99 cent coffee, and jet out for my two big grocery runs for the week. I get it all done with time get a good work out in before I pick up the kids at 1pm.
I have to say, so far, it's been a fun endeavor to get all the food for the week in one big swoop.
But puh-leez, I'm definitely no 'grocery buyer expert'. I think there's an actual job title out there like that.
I want to hear what do you do for grocery shopping/planning! Share:)


sarah said…
I'm amazed you have grocery lists at all. I let my husband pick up whatever is an emergency on his way home from work about 2x per week. That's the extent of my grocery planning. You are in inspiration!
Anonymous said…
Your grocery list looks a lot like mine! I actually have typed the grocery lists with our frequently purchased items. I try to print it out and highlight what we need throughout the week.. when I actually print the list it works great-
I definitely agree about the one day a week shopping... it feels like when you actually complete the laundry in a day =)
Anonymous said…
Hey Anne Marie... just a thought about the time-consuming nature of sustaining ourselves... I am amazed at the amount of time that goes into fueling our bodies. It's a project planning meals, factoring in who will all be present, cooking with leftovers, planning for leftovers (which are usually Hank's lunch unless Patrick eats them after his late-night soccer games!), the shopping, the putting away, the prepping, the cooking, the serving, the clean-up... there is a science to it, no doubt! And for as often as I go to the G-D market, I still can't find where so many things are AND too often get home & have nothing to make for dinner! Please keep me inspired! Jill

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