GFTW 7: Strides
Happy Monday All. I ran with my Sherry bib for SUARs's cousin on Saturday, and it felt good to sprinkle her courage, strength and love back into the world. There were a LOT of runners out there doing the same! Felt nice to be a part of the movement.
And so keeping up with movement, this week feels like I'm in full stride for things coming into fruition. It's like I have my race bib on and I'm walking to the starting line. I still need to warm up and start, but I'm walking to the start. That's what this week feels like for me.
My Goals for the Week:
Health: 1 Yoplait yogurt for dessert (instead of 2 servings of ice cream each night). WATER
Mom: Have kids help make dinner at least 2x's this week
Athlete: 3 ST's, 3 Runs, 2 bike spins- working on cadence for all
Wife: Learn 1 new thing about him each day :)
Personal Growth: Listen to Intuitive CD #4 by Mary Swanson
ME: Get that multi-vitamin already AM!
As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and review them each day as part of my morning routine. So, that's what I have going on for me over here. Oh! and I also have a new stride that's pretty big! My blog here is moving to
I know, I know! It's all still a lil' crazy, but I decided to take the leap and combine my business site w/this lil' blog here because they are so interrelated and well....why not? It's still a work in progress- but I'm happy with the direction it's going so far. So would love, love, love, LOVE for you to check it out and find me there. I plan to start actively posting there next Sunday.
That's what's going on for me over here in my neck of the woods. about you? What do YOU have going on in your world? Would LOVE to know!
Schedule Of Budesliga
Bangladesh ICC Champions Trophy 2017
Mini IPL Fixtures
Italian Serie A 2016-17