From Blogger to Wordpress: What's Working (and not so much) Wednesday
1. Blogger to Wordpress Website Makeover:
Back in November I decided I was ready to take the leap and invest more time, effort and money into my business website and my baby blog. So...I reached out to an old friend who is a BIG Wordpress Guru to help me makeover my site. So I'm in that process and it's pretty fun. Here's an idea of what my new header will look like:
Also, my blog will be under my new business website most likely in the next ~2 weeks. I'll DEFINITELY keep you posted!
2. Feeling my purpose:
This is the first week of 2012 where I've been able to actually DO my work. I led a workshop, met with a client, created art with my kids, cooked taco tuesday for dinner...ya know, it's all been flowing this week and it gives me the anchor of feeling needed and purposeful. Which may sound hokey but when you are creating your own business which is a nebulous feat- it feels good when your feet feel grounded.
3. Moving from Blogger to Wordpress:
With the website makeover, I'm moving over to Wordpress and I know it'll be great. I know I will have more options and ways to make my website work for me and my business and blog. Change is good...
and now, not so much:
1 Moving from Blogger to Wordpress:
AGHH! I'm still a bit freaked that I'm makin' the move! It's just, well....I know Blogger so well, that's where my roots are- where I'm grounded- and this whole move has made me feel uprooted! Now... I'm learning all the ways and words of Wordpress. And with that figuring out how I want my site to look- what the heck do I want on each page, blah blah blah. Can you feel the upheaval in my voice?
So that's what's working and not so much for me over here. Now, how about all of YOU? What's working and not so much in your neck of the woods. Talk to me, talk to me! Also- two questions- If you are on wordpress how do you like it? And if you're on blogger- I need to make sure I don't loose you when I switch! AGHHH! :)
(of course, Blogger won't let me use my WordPress acct to leave a comment...even though it says I can! I'm quitting after 4 attempts at commenting. Grr.... Go WordPress)