Run Fun: Name Your Top 3 Heroes at the Moment

Okay, this'll be quick and short. I know we've got gifts to wrap and holiday melee to ensue...but on my long run this morning I thought Who are my Top 3 Heroes for the Moment.?
Well...they are...

1. Steve Jobs
2. John Lassetter
3. Intuitive Counselor- Mary Swanson

Then I thought- I'd love to ask all YOU!  So tell me, who are your top 3? But wait!- a few things, just list em- no need to go into PHd explanation on why or what not, you just have to list em'. Whatever comes up in your brain. Also- family members don't count for this round. Short and sweet. To the point. Without explanation. And list of heroes changes all the time. That's how I roll.. Now...I'd LOVE to know who's your top three at the moment! Again, just list, no explanation. List em', list em!


misszippy said…
Steve Jobs makes mine too!
Diana Nyad
My neighborhood
Anonymous said…
Work Supervisor
Walt Disney
Friend's Sister
Anonymous said…
Dara Torres
Lance Armstrong
J.K. Rowling
AM! said…
These are so fun to read:)
Tabitha said…
Drs and Nurses at St Jude's
Our Active Military
Drew Brees (& not what he does on the field)
My Kids (I know, doesn't count)
....these people help me to be a better person everyday! :)
Tabitha said…
Condo rice for sure btw!
Tabitha said…
Condo Rice that is
Jennifer said…
- Catherine the Great (I am reading her bio)
- My Dad
- My students
Emily Raaka said…
Kayla Rose Dehnert
Kim Stagliano
Elizabeth Falkner

PS - You have really inspired me! I have a big set of goals for this week (some of which have been dragging for months) and am already blasting through them.

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