GFTW 52: There is a Blog in You!

Wow. Can you believe it's here; the l.a.s.t week of the year.  And I've been accounting for my weekly goals here now for three years. Three full years. I know. Can't believe it myself. And I'm smiling as I type- because my blog is a daily reminder of what can happen when you take a leap.

You know, that leap. The one you often wanna take, but then allow Mr. Fear or Doubt to get in the way- so you never find out what would happen if you put yourself out there. 

Well, three years ago- I was pretty freaked out to take the tiny leap and start this blog. My ego and mind was consumed with self doubt- What if no one read the dang thing (and no one did for a l.o.n.g time), or I didn't know what to write about. Or did I even know HOW to write?  But I was inspired by the blogs I read and knew I too had a voice I wanted to cultivate and share as well. So I sucked up my pride, wrote my first post on Jan 1, 2009 and hit the Post button.

And I didn't tell a soul. 

And I posted for a few weeks and kept it to myself. I finally told my husband and a few close friends and kept in to about ~10 people that first year. 

Then, 2010 was my 'breakout' year for my blog. I put in more time and energy by posting more, commenting more on other blogs and really began to feel a part of the blogging community. 

Then in 2011- I decided to put more of my energy into my Personal Training business and  Try-on modeling for an women's athletic clothing company. I feel very happy I took the leap and invested my energy into these areas, but my blog took a back seat so I could cultivate my external businesses. 

And now as I reflect on 2011- and look to the horizon of 2012 I know I'm ready to bring more energy back into my blogging. I miss posting more than 1x a week. I miss the blogging community. 

I know I want more of it in my life next year. 

So...this is a really long GFTW post. And I haven't even written my weekly goals, but I wanted to share my blog journey because I know this is the week where many people reflect and think about what leaps to take for 2012.

So take the leap and start a blog:) You know you have it in you. And if not a blog- dabble in some form of creative expression you've always maybe sorta thought about trying but that dang inner critic has gotten in the way. 

OH! And for my Goals for the Week, I'll make em' short and sweet:

Athlete: 3 days ST, 3 days run, 1 bike- this week for SURE

Mom: 2 adventures, order 2 birthday cakes (their b-day is this week), and firm up b-day plans for them

Health: Operation Back to Basics. More water, less sugar. Write my intakes this week. My body is yearning for healthy food!

Personal Growth: Catch myself literally looking up and out onto the horizon. So often we only look down immediately in front of us- so our field of possibility is only that big. Broaden my field of possibility by literally looking up and out more

Wife: Share my Goals for 2012 again with him. always...I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and review them each day as part of my morning routine. Here's what I have on my radar this week. Now...I'd love to hear a few things from YOU! What are your GFTW? Or what type of blog do you wanna do? Talk to me, talk to me! OH! And pinky promise I'll post my GFTW and GFTYEar process by this weekend.

Peace out!~


Raquelita said…
As always, I'm so inspired by your goal-setting! I'm looking forward to reading what you have in the works for 2012. This week, I need to finish doing the research for article revisions and get cracking on them. Also try to get in training runs even with a 2 day drive happening this week.
Christina said…
I love reading your goals, even though I don't always comment. It is easier to read and the commenting on the iphone is still kinda tricky for me. :)

I am looking forward to another year of goals.
You do make me want to be more accountable for my actions! Thanks!

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