GFTW 35: Oooooooo baby!

Hi! As I was perusing my iphone shots this morning for a possible pic to encapsulate the week, I found this self shot lil' A had taken while bored at her bro's soccer practice. I love it, and love how kids can so easily create something from nothing. Great reminder for starting off the week. Sooooooooo (as her mouth looks like it's saying), let's get this party started! Here are my Goals for the Week:

Home: Pick the family pictures from our proofs taken ~2 mo's ago. Ask my friend for organizing consultant # for kid's bedroom.

Health: Operation Back in the Groove with Intakes! School is now in full swing, summer is virtually over, write out my intakes each morning so I have a plan for the day.

Athlete: Get my interval runs in and 3 days of strength training. 

Creative: Carve out an hour for my Artist Date- a time and space to simply play with anything from art to nature

ME!: Pedicure baby

Mom: Read to kids each day or night for ~15-20 minutes. We got out of the habit during summer, and we're ready to bring it back

Personal Growth: Take 1 risk a day, big or small. And almost take a risk that you know you'll be rejected or won't get the result you want. See what happens and develop the muscle of getting used to rejection.

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and read them each morning as part of my morning routine. And this is what's on my docket for this week. Seems like a lot, but I say bring it on! about YOU? Would love to know what you've got going on in your neck of the woods! Talk to me, talk to me! 

Also....I am fixin' to have a giveaway here most likely tomorrow. And it involves one of my favorite clothing/fitness lines...hmmmm....wonder what it could be? Oooooo baby! 


Raquelita said…
I always find your goals so inspiring, but I am blown away by your risk-taking one. I have never thought about practicing developing the mental and emotional toughness that rejection/things going awry can cause. What a brilliant idea! I hope you don't mind if I steal it!
Christi said…
I like the idea of taking a risk each day. I really should implement that in my life!
Lisa said…
What great goals! I need to take big risks more often but also be more conscious of the little risks I take! Enjoy the pedicure!
Christina said…
Great goals ...
Taking risk ... well... hmmm...
AM! said…
Hi All!
Yes, let's all go for it and take a risk-requests and be A-OK with rejection or not getting the result that we want. I sooo need to develop this muscle and would love for us to check in later this week!
Anne said…
Great goals once again. Taking risks sounds like a great plan :)

Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh and Lil'A is adorable!
XLMIC said…
I love taking risks :)

And I love your artist date idea... i need to make time for something like that.

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