GFTW 34: What's SUP Y'all!

Happy Sunday y'all! Here's a shot from last Sunday where I attempted SUP (Stand Up Paddle) Boarding for the first time with my high school BFF's. If you haven't heard about the sport, it's sorta the current rage over here in California (it originated in Hawaii). Actually, now the new thing is to doing yoga on your SUP board. And we tried that too. In fact, my two hottie BF's (the ones in the svelte blank bikini's) where able to jump full 360's on their boards by the end of our stint. Yeah...I was jealous. I got to a ~135, but not the full rotation. But that leaves room for next time right? The great thing about doing SUP-ing out on the East Coast though is the water is WARM when you fall off. Not the case here in California. 
But I'm fully back in California. Vacation is over, school has begun, and I am ready to roll baby! So in the spirit of Back to School, Back to are my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: I miss biking (and swimming sorta...)! I went for my first bike ride yesterday in months and lemme tell ya...I am OUT of bike shape. And I miss it. So I'm bringing back my true cross training this week: 4 runs, 2 bikes, 1 swim, 3 strength training sessions. baby steps.

Mom: Sign up lil' A for either horse riding lessons or art class. She wants both. Start looking at ways to simplify all the stuff they have piled in their bedroom. It's outta control.

Wife: lunch date next to my new office, and research anniversary get away

Health: 2 cups of coffee, 2 lil' servings of dessert. Reward myself with smiling at myself in the mirror. Sounds cheesy but I think it might work.

ME!: Artist Date where I carve out 1 hour to just go play, investigate something new, satisfy my inner kid. always I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and read it each morning as part of my morning routine. And this is what I've got going on in my neck of the woods this week. about YOU? Would LOVE LOVE to know what you've got going on in your camp? Is it school time yet for you? Are you gearing up or coming off a race? Talk to me, talk to me!


A Prelude To... said…
I love that picture!!! What fun! SUP is totally on my list of things to do. I can't believe this summer is over and I've yet to try it.
Clair said…
Happy end of summer! Paddle boarding is on my list this year. I can't wait to learn.
Raquelita said…
As always, I take some inspiration away from your goals. I think it might be time to make a date night one of mine and the other big thing is to make sure I carve out some time for research/writing as I go back to teaching, committee work, advising students, etc. this week.
misszippy said…
I did some SUPing this summer too! It's fun, but I found steering to be tough--almost got myself run over by a boat!

Have a great week.
Unknown said…
You're all hotties! That sounds like so much fun, I'm sure I'd be straight in the water though haha
If 4 runs, 2 bikes, 1 swim and 3 strength training sessions are baby steps, I'm still in utero!
JC said…
The SUP pic is AWESOME! The pic of your little ones from the blog post before is so cute! you look great! I need to get on your goals for me too - 2 rides and a swim and some weight sessions would probably do me some good:)
Lisa said…
when we were in Seattle I saw SUP a lot and I totally wanted to try it but didn't get a chance to. Looks like so much fun! Definitely a great core workout - right?
Anonymous said…
I started by last year of dental school this past week, but my kids don't start school until September 7th. My son will be in Grade 2 and my daughter is starting kindergarten - like your kids :) We have to line up regular babysitters for the year, register the kids for CanSkate, hockey, and gymnastics (maybe), and we're heading to Disneyland next weekend for the long weekend (well, it's a long weekend here, anyway). And, like you, I'm trying to enjoy the last little bits of summer.
Christina said…
Looking great in that picture!!

I took time off this saturday and went playing! It was great!!!

(I don't know what happened, but I "lost" you ... Glad to be back ... )

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