Three Thrifty Nifty Thrifty Things Thursday!

1. Thrifty: These AVIA shoes above I won from a local 5k are rockin' my world. They are my latest 'IT' shoe. They're light so super cute sporty. Just had to share.

2. Nifty: I just got word I get to partake in the Napa-Sonoma Wine Country Half in a few weeks. While I haven't put in the mileage to 'race'  a half...I'm stoked for the venue and it's in my backyard!

3. Thrifty: And my favorite summer drink at the moment. I first learned of them at another 5k, and I'm here to tell you...they ROCK. They can be a bit pricey (~$1.50 each), BUT my sweet sister loves to shop at BIG LOTS (God bless her), where you can find em' for $3 a four pack. So needless to say...I have her stock me up:
And that's my three thrifty, nifty, thrifty things to report. Now.. how about YOU? What nifty, thrifty things do you have to share? Would love to know. An upcoming race? A current favorite run shoe? Your favorite summer drink

Talk to me, talk to me!


Beth said…
My new favorite shoes are my Nike Flywire, they are really comfortable!I will be testing them out on Saturday during my first half Ironman.
Aimee said…
I have a thrifty!! I just found a seller on amazon that sells a 16 pack of the Honey Stinger waffles (sooo good) for $14!!! Woohoo!
Jennifer said…
Very pretty shoes. Never tried FRS but have heard a bunch about it. Cheers!
Laura said…
I put on my new pair of the same shoes I always run in - nike lunarglides....felt like I was flying last night.
Sweet kicks! I have never heard of FRS...
Tricia said…
totally diggin those shoes
Marci said…
OMG... I love love love the shoes! The only thing Nifty and Thrifty going on in my world... I'm reading a book a day... so need to get caught up on my reading!
Christina said…
I thought about someday I'll run that Napa to Sonoma half.

That drink.... We have it here in rural Arkansas. How do you drink yours! Over ice?
Unknown said…
I love my Avia Bolts!

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