GFTW 14: I Know it's Monday, and This Week's Different!

Happy Monday folks! This weeks GFTW post is a bit different weeks' past. Because this week I'm gonna  share what I've created as my 10 New Goals I'm Commited to Have in 1 Year. I've shared the Anthony Robbin's tapes I've revisited, the mind and life books I've read, and intuitive sessions and workshops I've attended, so figured I should show my lil' list already.

And before I do, I'll tell ya this list and outlook is changing the way I create my GFTW. For the past four weeks I've written out these 10 Goals I Want to Achieve in 12 Months every single morning on my daily calendar sheet. Then...(here's the good part) I think of 1 specific action I want to do for each goal that day. It's been a really fun and challenging experience

So here (drum roll please...) are my 10 Goals I am Committed to Have in 1 Year:

1. Have a serene, inviting and fabulous home
2. Make X a month
3. Surround myself by supportive and powerful community who will push, challenge, and inspire me
4. Create a workshop to present to a large group of people
5. Have a fabulous wardrobe
6. Be uber savvy and in charge of my finances
7. Weekly facials, massage, or personal upkeep
8. Write a book
9. Peak physical performance and athlete
10. Save 30% of my paychecks

So there they are. Puttin' it out there for the entire universe bloggy world to see. And these came from a pool of oh twenty or so 1 yr goals ideas. And actually, I've already switched out/added one or two because I've attained a few of them.

And now why do I have the pic of the Dimitry McDowell article up top? Well, I'd love to emulate her. She's a writer (too cool), she's a runner (cool), she writes on topics that are r.i.g.h.t. up my alley (yes), and I'm a bit jealous of her. And it's all good. Oh...and I had the privilege meeting her (and she actually IS cool), so makes my 'idol' affection feel more normalized;-)

Now, my questions for you: I'd love to hear your list if you have one! And/or tell me what's on your radar for the week? Talk to me, talk to me!  

Now... I'm off to continue galavanting around cool LA with my kidz and best friend for a few more days (yah, it's been just wonderful)!


Zoë said…
FABULOUS goals, I say!
My number one running goal this year is to finally complete a marathon.
Raquelita said…
Woohoo! These are some great goals! I love how much self-care you've included in yours.

At the top of my list are to write and publish more and to run another (couple of) marathons this year.
misszippy said…
Great list and I'd say quite similar to mine! You've got it all over on the Dimity front...

I'm also looking into a book this year. Such a big project to take on, but it's time!

Have a great week!
Your goals are also right up my alley. Book...yes, I'd love to write one...need to find some connections so that it doesn't seem so big! Takes a community, connections, encouragement....easy for me to get in that frame of thinking where I'm like "who am I in this big world? am I joking myself?!" My husband and I were talking bout how cool it would be to some day lead workshops together. He is great at public speaking and we both like the idea of being part of something bigger where we get to inspire others, grow, and just be part of something that keeps on giving.
And yes, the people you surround yourself with...SO important!

Your goals are excellent! Inspiring and motivating! Thanks!
Beth said…
Those are great goals, seems like you are setting yourself up for nothing but success. I can't wait to hear how it all goes!
A Prelude To... said…
Super list. I totally relate to MUCH of it!!!

Have a super week!
adena said…
I love this list!! I listed 10 things I wanted to do as house projects and posted it on my fridge. I was shocked at how quickly they were finished but they were there staring me in the face everyday.

I haven't written down goals in a long time, thanks for the inspiration!
Emz said…
I'm stealing

Oh, and I couldn't agree more with the taking care of yourself goal...facials, massage, etc. When we do these things to take of ourselves...even hair and make up sort of things, we feel good and feeling good is a big part in reaching our goals!

Oh, and when you mentioned meeting Dimitry, this is how I felt when I met Lucy Calkins (writer about literacy instruction/professor at Columbia Teachers College in NY) and someone I've considered a mentor in the education field when it comes to early literacy and reading and writing cool to meet her and e-mail with her!

Okay, I just had to come back because I keep thinking of your goals. Btw, what are you plans for getting going on writing your book and getting it published? ARe you just going to write it first and then worry about finding a publisher, agent, editor or what have you? or do you already have connections?
Born To Endure said…
LA? You are so lucky...I love your goals too as always.
I LOVE your goal of "have a fab wardrobe!" LOVE fun! :))
Aimee said…
Awesome, awesome goals!! I love Dimity too..she just rocks!
Maggs said…
can't wait to read your book!
You are always so balanced! Love your list. 30% off each pay check--great committment!

#4 intrigues and seems like you could present on a variety of topics!!
Love your goals! You can do it all girl!
Unknown said…
Great goals. I want to keep with my running nd push-up plans and also get more in control of my finances!
Caratunk Girl said…
Those are some awesome goals for sure! I can relate to most all of it (except the mom part..does Bailey count?) Mostly I seek balance.

Oh, and I will totally read your book!
I love your list. As you know I have been working on mine in a more general way.

Loose weight and be a stronger faster runner.

Run one or two more marathons and feel good about my time.

Take more time to laugh with my kids and love on my husband. The last part is key, we need to date each other more and spend more time being a couple.

I have lots more I sure, but those are big for me right now.

Enjoy LA,

Christina said…
You can write some goals! :)

Just wanted to let you know that I thought about you while I cleaned out the fridge today.
It wasn't planned. The fridge broke down and it was just starting to get kinda funky in there. So, I had to throw things out.
Don't know why I associate you and fridge. :)

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