Few Friday Fav's: $100 Coolmax Eco Made Sock Winner y Mas!

1. First things first. Let's get to the winner of COOLMAX® EcoMade Socks Giveaway Extravaganza. Using random.org, the winning comment number is 175!
Do you know who you are? Well the comment was: Brady bunch crew memeber here! Spelled just like that too. Okay, that coulda been a bunch of you;-) The winner of $100 worth of awesome socks is Heather from The Crazy World of a Running Mom!

Congrats Heather! Contact me ASAP so I get your mailing address to send to the peeps in charge to get your socks to you b4 Christmas! 

2. Look what came in the mail yesterday...my New daily planner sheets for 2011! Yes, this right here folks will be my Bible for 2011. I mean c'mon, with my blog title...you know I drool over this sorta stuff;-)

3. I signed up for my A race for 2011 yesterday! Wanna guess which one it is? I'll give ya some clues: it's a triathlon, in California, during the end of July. I've done this race before...as a relay. Hmmmmm...;-)

Happy Friday Folks! Would love to hear your weekly fav's too!


Unknown said…
I didn't think you did Vineman as a relay....can't remember which one it was. Was it vineman? No the relay was not long after vineman though......
Cool about the new planner sheets! I dig that stuff too but its all digital now.
AM! said…
oooh Angie...good memory girrrl;-)

Christi said…
I always love it when I get my calendar for the year and I start organizing it. I am like a geeky kid when school starts and you have all new school supplies! Yeah, I am uber-nerd!

Congrats Heather!
Heather said…
OMG! (I never write that) This is so awesome! What a cool Christmas gift! Thank you!

Yay for you signing up for your A race!!
misszippy said…
Vineman! The whole shebang?
Pahla said…
Okay, totally bummed I didn't win the socks, so thanks for making it all better by signing up for Vineman! You are going to ROCK that race!!!
XLMIC said…
Congrats to Winner Heather!

And YAY for new planners!

Yay for 2011 races! The difference is you'll be actually racing in yours ;-)
Aimee said…
Yay for the A race!!
KovasP said…
Barb's Half! (I looked at your archive.)
I should start using a planner. Maybe that is my problem...no plan. having something to write all my to do stuff down in might be nice for my mommy brain.

Yay for registering for a new race! Excited to watch your progress!
Congrats to the winner. Winner, winner, Chicken dinner!

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