Tri Tuesday: Top Reasons You'll Never Find me in Kona...

My DH thought for sure I'd catch the 'Full IM' bug after racing Vineman. Well, uh...not so much. I still have virtually NO desire to race a full Ironman. I get tired just saying the word. And the Ironman World Championships are happening this Saturday, as always in Kona, HI...where it all began ~30 yrs ago. And while I can't wait to watch it all day online and get goosebumps from all the amazing athlete stories, here's My Top Reasons You'll Never See Me Race Kona:

1. The 2.4 mile mass start ocean swim. I have no desire to be in a wash cycle for ~ 2hrs

2. The cost of race entry/and trip cost involved. Race entry is ~$500, trip cost...oh...~$2000.

3. The number of hours it takes to train for a full Ironman. It's more than a part time job. Probably ~15-20 hrs a week. This is probably the biggest reason why you won't see me there.

4. I'd need a qualifying time of ~10-10:30 hr to get a slot. Do you know how freakin' hard it is to attain that time?

5. My life would have to become ALL ABOUT KONA. really. I'd have to be so committed to the training, sport and race, that everything (yes, even my kids/family) would take a back seat for most of the year.  

And for all these reasons, this is why I have the up most respect for all the athletes trickling into Kona this week to bring their A game for the world to witness.

And who knows? You can never say never right? I friend SunSafetyBarbie threw in her Kona Ironman towel a few mo's ago, only to pick it back up ~1 mo ago and re-join the Kona Race. 

But that's where I stand for now.  And now my question for all you tri peeps out there...Do you have your sights on an IM or Kona down the road? Be honest now... would love to know:)


Anne-Marie said…
I know it's a long way from my Aug. 13:21 IM Louisville finish, and I know it's a crazy lofty goal, but I'm hoping to see Kona in the next 5 years. IM training IS a huge time commitmetment, so I figure I might as well start chipping away at the goal while I'm unattached!

And yes, it is SO expensive. I should probably start a KONA fund now so that if I achieve my goal some day I won't have to sell my car to get there! (And if I don't make it to Kona, I can take myself on a really fun shopping spree with the money!)

In the IM Louisville program, it had the 'average IM competitor' profile and it said average income was $161,000. Seriously?! I really, really hope that's average *household* income, otherwise, I am severely underemployed!
THey are racing the race fee to $650 next year.

I have my eye on an IM but I am not genetically fast enough to qualify for Kona.
VegetariRun said…
I do have my sights on an IM but kind of in that distanty pipe-dream kind of way. There are some seemingly insurmountable hurdles I will need to overcome: my fear of water is mostly under control now, but that's with POOL swimming, not open-water swimming. And I will have to see how I feel after doing a marathon on its own, WITHOUT the swimming and biking beforehand. And I should probably do a small triathlon of some sort before making promises to myself about an ironman :)

I think it would be really awesome to do an ironman with a significant other in the future, like a "we're going to turn 40, let's both train and do this!" kind of thing. I gotta find a guy who's awesome like that first though ;) This last guy I was dating would've totally been game for it.
Pahla said…
I would literally NEVER qualify for Kona. Ever. I'm with BDD on the genetics here. But a full IM is on my "someday..." list. Someday when the kids are older and I have the time to really do my best without sacrificing them. I'm living the "Iron Widow" lifestyle right now while The Hubs trains for his first and honestly, its tough.
Leah F said…
Nope. Not only do I not have my sights on an Ironman, let alone Kona, I have zero desire to even do a triathlon. I have mad respect for triathletes, but it's just not for me. I'll stick to running!
Kris said…
I participated at Kona last year, although I'm not *nearly* fast enough to qualify (notice I didn't say 'raced'). After watching it for so many years on TV, I threw my hat into the lottery and got in on my first try. Now I wish I had waited and cashed in on that luck until I was a bit more prepared to tackle it, but am so glad I did it. The training definitely takes over your life!
justme said…
when my kids are grown and i have nothing to do - when hubby is retired....maybe we will train for it and win our age groups since we will be in our 70's...that is when i will do it.
I have no desire right now to do anything longer than a sprint, but coach really wants to do an Ironman, it is in his 3 year goals.
ShutUpandRun said…
I love the IDEA of training for and doing an IM, but for all of the reasons you listed (training time commitment being the big one), I probably never will. However...loved to try a half.
Velma said…
YES PLEASE!!!! I am going to keep on working toward the goal, and I am going to enter the lottery. I know it is a ton of time and $$, but you have to dream big :)
Jill said…
I have a gf who is 27 with three wee-ones under the age of 5 and works part time .. and did her first IM in St. George in May (I think you saw her blog??). I just remember thinking I didn't know how she did it, I was just so tired reading about all her training. I know she wanted to get to Kona and didn't make it and all I could think was good, now she can spend time with her family. I know that's not right, to each our own, but I just think when you have small kiddos as yourself, it just takes a lot of time away from them. Anyhoo...if you ever chose to do a full, I have no doubt you'd rock it. You are one very smart, dedicated lady!!
Ewa said…
Never say never, right?
All those are valid reasons but somehow I can just see you itching to do it.
Teamarcia said…
Me? You convinced me with #1.
For you? Anything is possible. It's there if you want it and if you don't that is perfectly fine.
LOVE to watch the TV coverage though!
An IM, definetly! Kona? If I happen to qualify, honestly that is not that important to me now. I truly believe that if you want to do something you can do it. I don't agree with not going for a goal or dream because of kids, or anything for that matter. Women do this too much.
Christi said…
I really want to do Kona but we will just have to see what the racing gods have in store for me.
AM! said…
hi all!
love seeing all of your ideas and responses!
teacherwoman said…
Right there with you, girl! It's just insane! But more power to those that can and do do it!
Unknown said…
gah! I just wrote a comment and blogger ate it! The gist of it was half ironmans are too hardcore for me with the amount of time it must take to prepare for them so I can't ever imagine myself doing a half or a full!
Aimee said…
Kona is definitely not in my sights, but maybe an IM is! I haven't really talked to anyone about it other than my husband, but it is definitely on my mind!
Jason said…
I have put Kona on the radar....2013. I have my sights set on 70.3IMCA in April 2011 then IMAZ in November 2012. From there hopefully a spot in Kona.

Tough to do, hard to get to but no reason to not aim high.

Not to mention with all these great blogs and posts the inspiratoin and motivation is everywhere.
Unknown said…
WOW, so many different comments on this subject! I always thought you were a Kona-bound girl but I totally get it; so much training, so much time away from the family and hey, SO expensive. However, someday this might be your dream, like SSBarbie, you could change your mind!
My fantasy is that I'll actually do Kona after four years of swimming lessons and lots of biking probably when I'm 50 or 55. I'll see you there???
Clair said…
I definitely am not interested in a half or full Ironman distance, but I'm pondering the aquabike at Vineman next year.
Laura said…
Funny, Boston is SOOOO much more important to me than Kona. Maybe because it actually seems attainable? And I think the WTC is annoying with it's monopoly on long-distance tri racing, I'd rather do a non M-dot brand race. Kinda wanna try for a Clearwater spot though, but again, more attainable than Kona. I want to do another IM for the challenge of the IM, not because there is this coveted race in Hawaii.
XTB-XAVI said…
Wow...nice to read you again! Kona, as long term target, let's just first plan step by step, next challenge, 70.3 Phuket end of this year...and Kona, I see it almost impossible for same poitns as you highlighted!

Cheers from Tokyo!

"XTB" Xavi.
Jennifer said…
I would rather run the Western States 100 or climb Mount Everest. Really, I'm not kidding. There are so many things to do! However I do so love watching the amazing accomplishments of Kona, what an amazing race!
JC said…
an IM YES - not until 2014 (remember I'm a planner) and it is definitley only to finish (hopefully strong though), KONA - most likely only as a spectathlete or volunteer! LOVE all the pics everyone is posting on FB and getting so excited to watch online this weekend:)
Regina said…
DITTO!!! As for Kona? I am getting to old to post a time that will get me in even if I did decide to do an IM. Yeah, I think I'll just watch from the comfort of my cozy couch with a beer. (another reason I won't make it; sloth)

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