GFTW 43: World Series, My Half, and Halloween..Oh My!

Yes, admitting right now...I'm sooo 'that fan' that hops on the Giants bandwagon when they're doing well. Well, they're doing well all right... so well they're World Series bound! It's pretty exciting over here in Northern Cali at the moment.  
And I also have my last race of the year tee'd up for Saturday: The Healdsburg Half Marathon. Oh, and then there's the sprinkling of kid Halloween activities goin' on, and I want to maximize my kids' expensive adorable costumes;)
But before I get to to all that, I'm gonna lay down what I've got for my Goals for the Week:

Athlete: Design my Mental Game for my Half. I've written about this exercise before, and to be honest, I haven't thought much of this actual race. Maybe because I'm already thinking of my off season (nov/dec), and what I want my 2011 training/races to be. Well, I remembered this exercise last night, and it'll be perfect to bring me into the racing zone...I'll share it on Tuesday;)

Health: Yes, I often write this: Stick to my daily Intakes, but this week I really mean it. While it won't help me much at this point physically, it definitely will mentally for race day. Just stick to them. 

Mom: Invite a small group of kids w/moms over one afternoon for a lil' Halloween Playdate.

Friend: Invite friends out to experience CRUSH during Harvest one morning this week.

Community: Get those 2 or more donation requests out for the GOTR online auction already!

Personal Growth: Dress up each day. Wear something that makes me feel like I put together an outfit (vs my usual black yoga pants/t-shirts)

As always I write these goals down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review them each morning as I chug my coffee. So, that's what I've got goin' on for me. Now, how about you? What do YOU have lined up for the week? Talk to me!


Steel Springs said…
Great goals, as usual. Designing your mental game sounds useful and exciting. Enjoy the Halloween festivities!
Fun! Good luck with the half! Oh, and in my family only my hub and I dress up...Petru continues to refuse costumes. He says he gets candy anyway:)
Raquelita said…
I'm excited to read more about your mental game plan for your half! Mine was seriously lacking for the race I ran yesterday - probably because I didn't really have one.

I love Halloween and this time of year! Enjoy all the festivities!
Caratunk Girl said…
LOVE your goals, keep an eye on that AT! Sorry I have been absent from commenting lately - life and work make it tough sometimes, as you know!! :)

I love your visualization technique.
Theme- Relax and Enjoy :-)

Athlete- ?? Run if possible, yoga lots. ... took major spill on trails this morning... took out 2 legs, 1 hand, and a hip. Sportin' the black/blue swollen and scraped look.

I'd like to be out there 3+ times more this week, but I'm going to be smart! :-)

Atlete 2- Design training plan for July's ultra. I despise structure and plans, so who knows... :-)

Teacher- Listen to the kids. Add a pinch more structure. Remember it's what's best for their learning- even if I don't like it! :-)

Teacher 2- Approach all meetings in a positive mindset and remember to breathe through them!

Aunt- Finally get the H'ween card out to my nephew aka Darth Ben-Vader :-)

Health- Water, simple foods, and new flavors! ... Maybe get granola or granola cookies made. :-)

Writer- narrow down the scope of a piece, and then make the edits and other stuff!

Community- It's our first fitness festival, and we're donating (hopefully) ALL of our shoes at the kick off for Shoes to Success at our school!!!!!! :-) BIG Thursday in Virgina!!!! :-)

Volunteer- Cancer patient night on Weds! So looking forward to it!! :-)

Love-My-Self: REI mini trip...need a few things and it's on the way to the cancer center :-)

Personal Growth- Visualization of goals.. meditation...naps! Being simple and kind to myself. Remember it's okay to rest and receive. :-)

Happy Journeys to all! :-)
Jason said…
This goal concept is great and if I were slightly more organized it might actually work for me as well. I'll have to give it a try some day.

My wife and I ran the Healdsburg last year and it was the best 1/2 I have ever run in terms of sights. Running through those vineyards is absolutely amazing.

Have a great race.
Alison said…
Go Giants! (Whatever or whoever the Giants are :D )

My main goal this week is personal growth. I have some stressful meetings. And instead of letting them totally dominate my thoughts and feelings all week, I'm going to try and isolate the stress to immediately, during, and after, to give myself an easier ride the rest of the time.

Oh, and also: athlete -- get a swimming pool membership!
Anonymous said…
My non-running goal this week is to make it a point to send notes to companies when their employees provide really good service. We're always quick to complain when something goes wrong, but I think we should all take the time to send in compliments where they are due as well.
Christi said…
I hope you have a great race at your half!
Haha! I'm SO on the Texas bandwagon. Any team that keeps the Yankees out of the World Series gets my support!

I love your goal of dressing up. I always feel more prepared to take on the day when I've put some effort into my wardrobe.
Christina said…
Good luck with your half. I can't wait to see what goals you have planned.

I don't have any goals for this coming week yet. My mind's a blank!
Aimee said…
Good luck with your half marathon this coming weekend! You are going to do great!

I like your goals. I was thinking about setting up a playdate too! :)
Ewa said…
My goal (one) for the week is to start goals list.
Wait, haven't I made that goal several times before?
I think I will need to paste my one goal list to the fridge door and the bathroom mirror and better yet my laptop screen.
I love the idea but I keep forgetting to do anything about it. Must be my age showing. :)
I am not much into sports but when a local team is doing well, that changes. Go Giants!
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
You are going to do so well with this half...I just know it! I really would of loved to have done this one too! I was getting e-mails for a long time after I did the Napa to Sonoma half. I would of really liked to have made another trip to year:)

About the dressing up....I work in the health care field and many days I am in my lovely scrubs. Last week I dressed up three days and it felt so good to feel like a girl:) It is nice to have the option to wear professional clothes when I feel like it.
Good luck on your half on Saturday and I never do a mental plan of my race, maybe I should...LOL
Don't forget to take lots of pics of those expensive.....ooppss adorable costumes.....LOL
Unknown said…
Your goals always inspire me! thank you for posting them and keep them up. I love the one about dressing up too. I need to take that advice. :)

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