GFTW 5: Anyone Want a Drink?

On my flight home from LA (which BTW was TOO fun, but more later), I cleaned out my organizer (good time to do it eh?), and realized I had a stack of Southwest drink packets. That’s a LOT of drink coupons! Dang. And I knew I wasn’t going to use them all (unless I decided to host a bachelorette party on the plane). So I figured this would be a good opp for me to just try and give them away. Why not? What’s that saying about random acts of kindness? Yeah, I wanted to do that.
So as I was de boarding, I attempted to muster up the energy to ask some complete strangers. My strategy was to make eye contact and say ‘Hey, I have ALL these xtra coupons, do you want one?’ That sounds good enough right?
But I couldn’t bring myself to do it! I think I was afraid of either sounding like a wacko pawning off laced drink coupons, or trying to use them as a cover to really sell them a new religion. I just couldn’t do it!  And then I couldn’t get over that I couldn’t do it.
So I ended up leaving 2 packets in the bathroom, and another by the boarding pass check-in. So if you were at the Oakland airport and found some 'lost' coupons, thank YOU for finding them ;-)

And now for My Goals for the Week:
Athlete: Run my dog 3x's during the warmup phase of my workouts
Wife: too privado;-), but I have one this week;-)
Friend: Set/confirm 2 swim dates
Finance: Work on quickbooks for 30 min, 2 days this week
Personal Growth: Each morning before I get out of bed, take 2 minutes to breath and visualize what I want my day to be like. 

As always I write these on a book mark I keep in my organizer and attempt to read it each morning as I plan the day. I also want to say I have LOVED reading your comments, and getting to know more and more peeps out there;-) Would love to hear how you go about your week. 


Velma said…
Thanks for stoping by my blog - I am now following you. I love the weekly goal idea, and it is fantastic that you might be featured in Oxygen :)
Unknown said…
You are too cute. I love your goals for the week, especially the personal one! Need to make time for that, right?! I also like the daily visualizing, that is so important and I never do that but need to start. I'll try tomorrow, thanks for inspiring me tonight!
Maggs said…
Oh man, I think I would have been the same way. I might have given them to a flight attendant or check in person and asked them to pass them out. I'm sure someone found them and thought SCORE!
Dion said…
Thanks for stopping by my lil' ol' blog! Have a great week.

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