Because he deserves it...

I was reading a post over at the runner's group at cafemom on running with your dog and it got me thinking, well actually realizing, that I need to get my own dog, Potter, out of the house more. 
Ya' see, Potter is a ~150 lb Newfoundland who really is a sweet dog, but we live in a ~1300 sq foot house, along with 2 kids, and a cat. It gets kinda tight, and I find myself feeling more annoyed with him than appreciating him. (And I know to all the dog lovers out there, it's probably near impossible to understand feeling annoyed by your dog, but this big guy follows me EVERYWHERE in the house, and like I said, it's a tiny house.) 

So... my initial response to the post was "oh, but my dog's too big, and can't last even ~10 minutes out on a run... plus he'll just annoy me (I know, real nice eh?)'. Then it hit me.

I had an 'ah-ha' moment:
Most of my runs include an ~10-15 ez warm up, which is the perfect time frame to take him along. I can just run him up my road and back. And y'know what? He deserves it. He didn't ask to be put in a tiny house with 2 kids and a cat...he needs HIS space too. Duh! I couldn't believe I didn't put the two together earlier. Here was a potential solution.

So I strapped on his leash this morning, and took him for a spin. And y'know what? He did great. And it actually made my warm-up feel more purposeful and rewarding too. So we both sorta won.

And now he's sleeping on the floor (next to me, of course) as I'm typin' away. I'm looking forward to more of this new routine...;-)


teacherwoman said…
That's awesome! Great idea!

(I wanna puppy)
AM! said…
Aw, get one! But just make sure you get one that still fits in the size of your house!- We didn't think that far!;-)
Unknown said…
Thanks for visiting my blog...I love kindergarten age kiddos, you are lucky to have them at home and I'm lucky to have them all day...they are so funny! What grade do you teach? It will be fun following your training and to see you practice your *smile!* I liked that last post of yours!
ohhhhh....Pahhhhtter.....thing is too, that he is SUCH a sweetheart, all he ever does is try to be with us more. Yet of course that IS the problem - being with us means following us, blocking the hallways...the fridge, the dishwasher, the door, the shower, the etc....and coming in the house, going out of the house...yeah. Because he still is 4x the size of our kids....3 feet tall and 150lbs.

But he doesn't know any better...he just loves us (well, not in the human way...).

When I can remember, I tell myself to be patient....'cause the only reason I get frustrated with him is when I try to go too fast....and get nearsighted - thanks for posting this. Helps remind me what sharing is, and what my actual options are to do it all.....(you warm up with him, I'll cool down with him.... :)

And then I'll try to apply this to other aspects in my life....
Tracey Kite said…
You know I replied to one post on the group about running with the dogs, and I posed how my dog does not like to run more than a mile or two and she likes to go slow, so i never take her. You have offically made me feel guilty. One or two miles is better than none. I think I will take your example and start taking Prada out a couple times a week, not every run but at least 2. Thanks for teaching me a lesson!

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