Happy Friday 'Happy Suzy': Here's Your Second Chance

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And here's a Second Chance for my mom to be called 'Happy Suzy'.

Below is an email I got from her his week.

The subject header: Friday Nights.

Hello-o-o-o! If you want me to take care of the twins this Friday night, or any Friday night, I can. I can even leave work early. And if I spend the night and you and Michael want to run, bike, exercise early in the morning I can stay for awhile. Seems like we don’t get to see each other very often and I thought this might work out well for all of us. Also if you aren’t going out on a Friday night and just want to visit that works out too. Xoxo M

Okay, so aside from the "we don't get to see each other very often" comment- (when in fact we see each other bi-weekly), she has earned her Happy Suzy status if still desired.

And yeah, she's coming up tonite. Woo-hoo date nite! We'll see if she brings it up at all...:)


Anonymous said…
Awww. AM - you are so lucky to have an awesome mom!! Our parents are spread over the US, no chance to see Grandparents on a regular basis! Your are fortunate and I am glad to see that you appreciate it! Happy date night!
AM! said…
it's good to hear you say that, and it's good for me to write about her (my mom) because it does make me realize what a good thing I have going:)

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