Friday Footnotes: Continue

Hi! This post will delve a lil' all over the place. But isn't that how footnotes are?

1. I've been continuing my strength training (yes!) and what's been really helpful is bringing a few post it's along to jot down all the ideas that swirl around my head. I could use my phone- but I know I'll get side tracked w/email, etc...and I want to stay focused. Does anyone else do this?

2. Outta sight, outta mind. With the Halloween candy gone and the pumpkin spice creamer virtually depleted, I'm no longer continuing the crazy candy snack path, and I'm continuing my more healthy intakes. N.i.c.e....

3. Here's my new friend: an up close giraffe we saw on our Safari West adventure yesterday. I am continuing to create fun adventures for the kids on our 2 days off. To all the Bay Area folks- this is one place you MUST visit. Safari West is an amazing animal preserve on the 'Sonoma' Serengeti. Worth the trek and ticket price...

4. Continue- The word itself is such a cool concept! What will I continue and no longer continue to do, be and have in my life? I did some journaling with the idea...(this probably is a bit heavy for this post/blog but aw well.

I will no longer continue to...

think I'm responsible for every one else's happiness
let old agreements rule the way of my life
be the silent passive aggressive victim
squeeze myself to fit into every one else's life
squelch my own possibility

I will continue to ...

create my own dogma and live it
love and be deeply loved
keep with the flow of synchronicity
embrace aging- life's greatest reminder of our precious time here
know my worth and let it show
be emotionally available to me and my family
have fun adventures
let my lil' AM shine

I wavered on whether to post this or not, but said what the heck-and it's a hodge podge post after all. So, now my few questions for you? What Friday footnotes would you like to share? What will YOU continue and no longer continue to do in your life? Would love to hear it.  


Beth said…
I LOVE all of your "no longer continues". I've been struggling with many of the items on the list and I just need to make up my mind to stop. Thank you for bringing it to the forefront for me. :)
AM! said…
Hi beth!

So glad to hear you can relate to my list:) makes me feel not so alone:)

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