What's Working (and not so much...) Wednesday: Bravery

What's Working:
1.This weather we're havin' in California! Folks in the blizzard infested parts of the US- don't hate me, but I did my post bike run outdoors in a tank top and run skirt. I know...

2. I added a new lil' tab GFTW Coaching and Training on this here blog. You'll see it up top. I've always just used an attachment I'd email to potential clients, but I'm beginning to marry my GFTW theme into my training business. It's all a process right?

3. Ramona the Brave! This week the kids and I embarked on our first read aloud chapter book experience. And they love it. And can ya guess what their first question was ? 'Mommy, what does Brave mean'? Ah man, it was perfect. And it was a great personal reminder to find that inner bravery, even in the smallest acts. Like finally putting up a GFTW Coaching tab here;-)

And now...Not so Much... 
I gotta admit, w/out sounding too Polyannish...most things are goin' right this week. BUT there are a few...

1. Too much coffee! For whatever reason, I think it's fine to once again have ~4 plus cups of coffee a day. And it's makin' me shake and sweat really weird (just bein' honest). So...no more than 2 AM!

2. Still haven't firmed up my training plan for the year. I know BDD has a newly created Bible (jealous!), and I have the parts to create my plan...I just need to do it. Def in the next few wks.

And that's what's workin'...and not so much for me over here. Now...YOU! What's workin' and not so much for you in your neck of the woods? Talk to me, talk to me! Would love to know!


I am still working on it, I need a name for it, a cover, i am a guy, I am not good at bedazzling, or whatever its called (heard that word on a show once) or simply just call it "The Book", that title is so my style
AM! said…
BDD- I think you should just call it your BIBLE! I think that's brillian;-)
Clair said…
Isn't this weather fantastic? I wish my apartment were big enough to offer refuge to all my friends who are wearing snow boots right now.
teacherwoman said…
I love that book! I think it's great that you are doing some chapter books reading with your kids! Music to a teacher's ears! :)
Ewa said…
Hi, my name is Ewa and I am a coffee-holic.
I agree, our CA weather is just amazing but I can't shake that feeling that this is not right. I actually miss rain, but for now I am enjoying all that vitamin D I get from being outside.
adena said…
I hear you on the coffee, at the moment I'm on #3 but it's a latte so I didn't think it counted but it totally does. No more than 2 for me from now on. I'm with you (high five).
Kris said…
Can I just say I am feeling a little jealous of the weather you're having. I am stuck inside drinking my fourth cup of coffee:)
Aimee said…
I don't hate you for your awesome weather, but I am completely jealous of you! :)

Aww..Ramona the brave is a great book! Enjoy reading it with your kiddos!
Christi said…
I am glad someone is having great weather and like Aimee, I am jealous.

I didn't enjoy the frozen hair I had this morning after swimming.
Emz said…

I want to be like Ramona!
Laura said…
The weather in my neck of the woods is disheartening but am just trying to get over it..
I LOVE Ramona...grew up with those books.
Alison said…
Working for me is having a week off heavy training and just doing what I want when I fancy it. I'm loving having the extra time!

What's not working: like you, the coffee.. :-/
XLMIC said…
I think you should try going off caffeine cold-turkey. Sub in something like lemon water. Within a week you would feel just amazing. Try it :)

I *heart* Beverly Cleary!

Working here:
longish runs are feeling amazing and quicker than I imagined :) eating pretty well, being pretty nice to my kids, convinced hubby to clear his big useless cabinets out of the garage... giving the illusion of an uncluttered garage ;-) been being a 'good' wife ;-)

Not so much:
need more sleep... still, need more water... still, need to spend more time on the foam roller.

I love your Wednesdays... they really make me think :)
Jill said…
My daughter always loved Ramona! Last Saturday I sat outside in 65 degree weather with my daughter for lunch...today I'm home for day #2 due to cold. At least we missed the snow!

Happy Wed!
Unknown said…
I say the weather! Its not working for me. Need warmth!
Love that book though. good luck with the trainng plan.

*Starting to see beyond my current job, and into what I'd really LOVE to do and take steps towards it!(teaching will always be a part...but...oh! there's so much more!)

*Getting work outs in!

*Weather cooperating and mid-terms being finished!!

*Mostly healthy meals ;-)

*Cleaning out home, life, and classroom! Free-dom! (and happy people to have the stuff!)

Needs Improving:

*More yoga time...

*More water...
Ah, Ramona! Perfect first read aloud for your kids. My oldest (5) loves Ramona! We read Ramona the Pest. Our weather in Portland isn't so bad either...sunshine all day...rare. :)
Anne-Marie said…
Awww, I remember loving the Ramona books when I was little! And for some reason, I can still recall random trivia like how Ramona named her doll Chevrolet after her aunt's car :)

What's working: Cross-country skiing... just got into it about a month ago and am LOVING it!

What's not working: Some tightness/tension in the tendon that goes across my left knee. I'm giving it some rest at my coach's advice. I'm not used to being sidelined!
Wendy said…
We love that book at our house!
Glad to hear you are having such a good week!
Tricia said…
My coffee habit has creeped up to excessive lately too. something for me to work on...
Jessie said…
Whats not working is my need to snack at night. Boo for naughty eating while training! I love reading with my son. My two boys are 5 years apart so its great to hear my 7 year old read to my almost 2 year old! =)
Unknown said…
Have you read any of the Hank the Cowdog series? my boys love it! we also have some Bev Cleary too.

what's working for me: finally starting to do master's swimming - only 1x/week - but it feels good to be swimming

not so much: need to plan food better - eating too much junk due to lack of planning....
XLMIC said…
scootch on over to my blog... you won the Great Groundhog Giveaway! I need to know where to send your thing.

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