GFTW 52: The LAST Week Baby...

Hi friends! 
Can ya believe it? Really? The last, last, l.a.s.t. week of 2010. And wouldn't ya know it? With a year full of GFTW and it's concerted efforts done, this week wants to find me with virtually none. Because that's what the last week should be about: simply reveling in weeks past, and figuring out how I want to ring in the New Year. But while I'd love to keep it simple, I realize...I still got a lot o' stuff on my plate this week! Ah well, at least it's not more ham, cheese bread, and Santa's cookies! HA!

So here's what I have lined up for my Goals for the Week:

Mom: Plan a simple family dinner for kids 5th b-day (they'll have a kid party in 2 weeks). Mail out the kid party invites.

Home: Figure out where to put all the STUFF! Let's just say...Santa thought we all were pretty nice this year.  So I got to wrap my head around where to put it all!...ay, ay, ay

Athlete: Firm up my plans for my second round of coaching my 5wks to a first/faster 5k to start the first week of 2011! (not giving myself any personal athlete goals til' next week)

Personal Growth: Brainstorm at least once on the following: How do I want to be in a few of my roles 3 years from now? Then work backwards to 1 year from now and think of my 2011.

As always, I write these down on a bookmark I keep in my organizer and attempt to review it each morning as I chug sip my coffee. And that's what I've got lined up so far. Now, how about YOU?! With the last week of 2010 here, tell me- What do you have lined for this week? Talk to me, talk to me!;-) Oh, and I can't wait to show off my new Splish suits!;-)


oh, the stuff...we are finding things to box up and give away for boxing day today. What to get rid of? hmmmm. My biggest goal this week is to spend time reading actual books....since blogging I've spent way too much time reading blogs and all the books I have on my list to read are just getting dusty and occasionally moved from one room to the other. Happy last week of 2010!
So excited to see your Splish suits. I swam with the owner of Splish during middle and high school and love to see others wearing her products - they are the best.

Good luck with all the stuff. We made it a family policy this year that for each new clothing article purchased/given, the owner/recipient had to get rid of one article of clothing. As for toys, we are aiming to package up at least half of our toys and put them in storage to make room for the new ones. We're also looking into storage bins from Ikea for our daughter's room.

Merry Christmas from the East Coast!
Aimee said…
Sounds like some great goals for the last week of Dec!
I can't wait to see your splish suits! I may have to break down and get one! :)
Unknown said…
I have to figure out what my diet goals are going to be for the first few months of the year. I need to pick out one more race for next year. I am also trying to get rid of stuff as well.
This week I plan on putting the house back in order, spending quality time with my mom and younger brother, who are visiting from out of town, and drag my husband to a yoga class. He keeps telling me he needs to go, but he hasn't yet.
Teamarcia said…
My goals for this final week of 2010 are to stay off the sugar-coma express, and since my runnbatical is officially over as of tomorrow--I will commence week 1 of TRAINING!!! Weee!
Clair said…
Ohhh, I got a new Splish suit too. I can't wait to see yours! My main goal for this week is to stay warm while I'm visiting family in the cold, snowy northeast. Happy holidays!
I know, I can't believe it's the end of the year. Crazy.

Those sound like some good goals. Guess it's time to finalize the list for the new year...
Anne-Marie said…
Glad to hear Santa was good to your family! :)

I just want to relax this week, reflect on 2010 (things I'm proud of vs. things I wish I could've done differently & how), and think about what I'd like to accomplish in 2011!
Unknown said…
santa must like how dedicated you are! I can't believe its the last week either. Enjoy the last bit and the anticipation for 2011!
Christi said…
First, Happy Birthday to the kiddos!

Second, you were good this year so Santa was taking care of you!

Good luck with the last week of the year!
Raquelita said…
Isn't it crazy that it's already the last week?!? I should definitely do some organizing to find space for the new things that entered our household this month, too. I'm just trying to ease back into activity and work this week after a break from running and blogging and very little progress on a manuscript last week.

Happy birthday to your kiddos!
Lisa said…
It really is hard to believe that it's the last week of the year! I wasn't even thinking about it like that, since I have to work (which I haven't worked between the holidays for 6 years!).

Great goals for this last week! I really need to set goals like you do, or similarly, for each week, write them down & mark off as I complete. I sort of do it on my blog, but not quite the same.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!
Christina said…
Great goals!
I'm going to work on cleaning the house again... :)
Maggs said…
Can't wait to see what Splishs you got. I didn't get any this year. Probably because I didn't ask for any. Hmm... I hope they have a good sale soon.
Quinton J said…
Santa shouted you out:
RunToTheFinish said…
i have a planner in the mail and will be doing goals much like you in 2011! thanks for the inspiration, I thought these would be even better than my 30 day goals
Beth said…
Sounds like great goals for the last week of 2010, here are mine:

1. Do something active everyday even if it’s just a walk with my dogs
2. Eat healthy foods, and eat in moderation. Just because I am on vacation doesn't mean I need to eat like a piggy.
3. Take time to reflect on 2010, and think about what I really want in 2011.
4. Relax and enjoy my time off.
Charisa said…
Oh Splish - fun! :) Happy New Year!
Alison said…
Your kiddlies are turning 5!

Goals for 2011. Oy oy oy.. That's me this week I guess!

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