What's Working: My 'New' Road Bike!

Ain't she a beauty! I finally took my 'new' road bike out for a spin yesterday and I felt like such a Roadie (Is that a real term?)!

I haven't been on a road bike now for almost 1.5 years. I got my tri bike last year for Christmas 2009, but didn't take up serious biking until this year (meaning getting on my bike more than 1x a week). I'm now so used to being in my aero bars handling my tri bike, I wasn't sure how I'd feel on a road bike.

Well friends, I dug it. A lot. The road seemed much smoother and easier to handle. And I swear I felt faster too.  I spun all around my town, out and back, up and down hills and kept getting more excited about all the road biking possibilities I had now with this 'new' road bike.

And I keep saying new like 'this'. Why? Why? Well, this is my swimmer BFF's road bike from oh, about ~10 years ago when she started getting into tri's. She used it for a few races, but pregnancies, babies, and her absolute love for swimming became priority, so her road bike took a back seat. And I mean in the WAY back.  

When I saw the bike last, it was out in the back yard, sans wheels, rusted chain off the ring and sitting there exposed to the weather elements. I asked if I (well, DH), could fix her up and try her out for a while, and she happily agreed. This is what the bike looked like when I took it home:
Can ya see the rusty chain, no wheels, weathered seat, etc? It even had the race number on from ~10 yrs ago (like i can talk though...). DH bought some new tires, a sweet new seat, gave it a good maintenance check-up, taped the bars, switched over my pedals, and it was good to go.
I held out riding it though til' after Vineman, so I could give it due attention. And now, I gotta be honest, it feels too cool to have TWO bikes hangin' in our studio. Look how cute they are hangin' out together!
It's like they're best friends. Just like me and swimmer BFF. So thank YOU swimmer BFF! I owe you a new Splish suit and vino!;-) 

P.S Don't forget to enter my SCAPE sunscreen Giveaway which ends tomorrow night!


That is just COOL!!! A little vintage too, since the postal team is no longer around.

What did you name your "new" bike?

I love my roadie (yes you have the lingo down) more then my TT, I prefer my roadie, I just feel more in control on it.
Maggs said…
Nice. I love my road bike, almost more than the tri bike. Enjoy
Christina said…
I want a bike too. But I just want it to ride around. I don't think I am ready for racing or anything yet, even though I might consider doing a duathlon in the future, since I can't swim.
What kind of bike do you (or your readers) sugguest for a super newbie who doesn't even know if she'll really take up biking?
Caratunk Girl said…
WOW! Awesome. I only have a roadie. Thinking about at Tri bike but hate to let my roadie go...
Nice bike:) BUT, did you know that for the same power level, you save about 5 min in an olympic tri by using a tri bike vs a road bike? This is what convinced me to get a tri bike! The difference is huge, for a HIM is 10min!!!
Velma said…
I don't have a tri bike, so I love my trek road bike. Have fun!
Aimee said…
I know just how you feel! I've been riding my tri bike for training, but I absolutely love my road bike! I think after my race this weekend I'm going to have to go for a ride on it again!
Julie said…
Congrats on the new bike Anne Marie! Yes she is gorgeious:) I can't wait to get a bike....still looking and super excited!
KovasP said…
What a beauty and saved from destruction. You epitomize being a roadie.
Teamarcia said…
She's so purdy! What's the diff between a road bike and a tri bike anyway?
Raquelita said…
Yay for your new-to-you bike! She's a beauty!
Ewa said…
I wish I had a road bike. I have a mountain bike - that's it.
Maybe I can find a bike to save also.
Yours is a beauty.
Sherri said…
That is what I need...a friend...who has too many kids...besides myself..and wants to give me their bike so that it can sit in my garage...just kidding...I am sure I would ride it...and love it!!!
Unknown said…
Awww, she's really pretty :) Congrats!! The pair is too cute.
I have a "new" bike too (my Dad's bike hand me down-he's not riding anymore) and Im just as happy!
Wishing you many many happy miles together!!
RunToTheFinish said…
i've been realllllly considering a tri or road bike purchase and boy you've got me really wanting one now
Regina said…
Suweet!! I wish I could find a tri bike hanging out in some friends backyard...oh, wait, we don't have back yards here.

It really cleaned up nice!
Jill said…
Sweeeet bike! I have a mountain bike, nothing else. Whenever I think about doing a tri, I think how ridiculous I'd look. I have been to cycling class this past week - I think those bikes are worth more than my bike. Ha. (actually, I have a very pricy mt bike, I just want a road bike now!! Someday!). Hope you and your roadie get tons of happy memories here soon!!
Megan said…
I love that you put an old bike to good use.
Lindsay said…
YEAH!!!!! I love it!!!! I love that you're now a roadie too :)

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