Where's My P-P-Party PF People At?

It's official. I've been sworn into a new club: The PF Party Club. I now know the acronym much better, and have been bestowed it as my diagnosis to my foot problem. Here's an amazing pic of me in the early am waiting for the MD thinking 'What's it gonna be?' I had to make the situation fun, so took this self photo to prove I went to a doc.

And I'm happy with the diagnosis. It's not nearly as fatal as I had it in my head. I have a minor case plantar fasciitis. I've been told with ~6 rehab exercises, RICE, no running, and getting some gel heel inserts, I should heal up fairly well in 2 weeks. That's a fantastic diagnosis for me! I had visions of potentially no exercise, a broken foot, or a cast for 2 months. I just didn't know. So, I really hope his diagnosis is right.

But now I know what to do. Where to go. Got the gel inserts (yeah, they feel good). I don't need that ankle thingy I was using. I swam. I did my exercises. Took my IB Profin. I'm taking this on like a Master's Thesis.

So I hope all you party PF people will welcome me with open arms to the club. And is there some sort of ID card I need to get? Do we have a secret handshake I need to learn? Do we get VIP status at the Dr. Scholl's conventions? Let me in the know!

Oh, and on a different note, I heard from Athleta, and they posted my race report for The Relay I participated in! Woo-hoo!  It's titled 'What I Learned From the Relay'. (just click on the title to read). I'd love for you to check it out. And while you're at the Athleta Chi, check out the amazing story of the SEVENTY FOUR year young woman who is still competing in Ironman World champs! dang...


Awesome! PF is so common and treatable. Yay!
misszippy said…
Welcome! Did your doc give you the secret handshake?

Here's what's worked for me: Stick a water bottle in the freezer and use it to roll your foot over as often as possible. Stretch your foot before you get out of bed or after sitting for a long time. Do your exercises and wear shoes that don't aggravate it (read--ugly shoes). I hope it clears out for you asap...it can be insidious. Good luck!
I'm glad the doc visit was positive and i just read your recap, sounds great and I just learned what Pepto is good for ;)
sarah said…
Get used to walking on your tippy toes when you wake up in the morning! That's our secret walk.
But in all seriousness, stretch your calves like you are getting paid by the minute. And take heart - there's a ton you can do with PF, as opposed to ITBS and other jerky injuries.
ShutUpandRun said…
I'm not in the PF party, but I am in a SF sorority. Glad your prognosis is a good one!!
Jill said…
I don't think that PF is my heel problem but I did get some of those squishy gel heel inserts and I heart them!! So I welcome you to the squishy heel insert club, it's a fun place to be, too!!! :)
Ewa said…
Now this is really good news. Two weeks will go by very fast and you won't lose much fitness during that time. Are Achilles Tendon people invited or is this one of those exclusive parties?
Anne said…
Glad the prognosis is so good!! Yay!!
Laura said…
YAYAYAYAY!!! So happy for you....2 weeks will seem like a long time...but it will be over soon!
MCM Mama said…
Glad it's just a minor case of PF. Heal quickly!
Teamarcia said…
Glad it's something treatable, hope it's minimal at most. Knock on wood I've not been allowed beyond the PF velvet ropes....yet.
Steel Springs said…
That is good news! I hope the healing process is even faster than you expect!
Lindsay said…
Awesome news!!! Sooooo happy for you :)
Maggs said…
Oh man, I do NOT like PF. I let mine get really bad. I ended up with the night splint which at least made walking painless in the AM. Also rolling a golf ball on the bottom of your foot should help loosen it up.
Aimee said…
I'm so glad you know what the problem was! And, yay for it being totally treatable! I had a case of PF last year for awhile and I would take a can of veggies and roll my foot back and forth over that. It felt really good and seemed to work!
Tracey Kite said…
Great News!! 2 weeks off is not too bad. I am so glad the doctors visit went well and he gave you some good news. This has given me hope that my doctors visit today will go well too.
Megan said…
Glad you've got a diagnosis. Sometimes the fear is the worst part.

Dang is right. Ironman in her 70's. Just proves you're never too old.
Molly said…

I've been dealing with PF for years now. I try to stretch in the morning before I get out of bed, and I bought one of those rocker stretcher things to really stretch my calves well. I also ice after every run.

hope it goes away fast!
Oh, yay! I'm so glad it turned out to be something not so serious!
Caratunk Girl said…
SO happy to hear that it is PF and not something worse! YEAH! I had that before, I am sure they told you all kinds of stuff to do. Keeping a golf ball in the freezer and rolling it on the owie area helped me too.
Unknown said…
Glad your diagnosis was not something too awful! 2 weeks will fly by :-)
LMC said…
Big sigh of relief from me on your behalf!! Glad it's a minor case of PF and treatable. I will definitely check out the Athleta post. Take care of yourself!
Beth said…
Hey, I'm in the club, too! Just stay on top of it and keep up with whatever works even when you think it has gone away. It will help keep it away.
Sherri said…
Good News! I have never had it, hope not to, especially since right now I am taking each injury one at a time, and checking them all out! =)
I hope the recovery is fast and smooth!
Also....I love the tongue picture in the previous post!
Your a great MOM!
LMC said…
Liked the Athleta post and the pix! Pepto shots, really? Pretty funny!!
Lisa said…
I'm so happy for you that it isn't too bad! I'm into my second month with my foot injury. I was happy when I heard it wasn't PF, but now I think maybe that would have been better!

I'm gonna go check out the post on Athleta!

Take care of yourself and do what the doc says!
Unknown said…
Chica, soy el presidente de su grupo de los PIES ROTOS! Bienvenidas y abrazos! Our club song is "Ice, Ice, Baby!" Remember that....
PF is so painful but very treatable if you stay on top of it. I see folks with PF all the time (I'm a DPT w/specialty in ART). Lots of releasing the soleus! I love the trigger point set (tptherapy), works wonders to release the calves-not just stretch them, release the adhesions, that in turn will release the calcaneus giving room to the fascia. This helps prevent further damage. Now to the fascia, roll roll roll on a frozen plastic coke bottle or golf ball (but you can roll and ice at the same time with the coke bottle) and lots of stretching. Sometimes I can get away with kinesiotaping or athletic taping my pts and they can run without pain and didn't miss a day of running. See if you have any physical therapists in the area that do ART and taping and you may be running sooner than you think! good luck!
Anonymous said…
I have it too and it is so annoying!! I've found that changing my shoes often is a big help. Also, wearing shoes all the time. Not sure if you're a big barefoot person, but that is always a killer for me. Also, for most people this is a big fashion step backwards, but my Earth shoes (mary janes and flip flops) are THE BOMB. Love your blog and I'm hoping to do another tri again this fall. Please keep inspiring! - Erin

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