What's Not Working: We Need a Food Revolution

Three weeks ago, one of my goals was to peruse a bookstore and discover a new book. Something that would give me inspiration. Well, I didn't hit the bookstore, but I did stumble upon a blog talking about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. His revolution is to change school lunches for the better. I was hooked. 

I went on to read about his cause to make school lunches healthier. Now, if you have kids in public school- you've seen the current way lunches are served. It's honestly horrible. Processed fried chicken strips, w/ a tablespoon of canned peaches and a chocolate milk on a styrofoam plate is considered a 'healthy meal' by the national food guidelines. 

As a former school teacher and counselor, I was always perplexed with these lunches being served every day. It bothered me, but I had other fish to fry on the 'Causes' front, so didn't invest too much time worrying about it.

Well, I think I'm ready to worry about it now. Because my kids are 4 and will be in a public kindergarten in 2011 (Isn't it always when things directly affect that make you finally act!)  I'm ready to help support this Cause.

I don't know what my next steps will be, but my first step was to sign Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Petition. It's for change on a National level. And I know in order to cause change, I need to start on a local level. What that looks like exactly is still in the works. I just learned about Revolution Foods in the Bay Area, and I hope to talk to my friends in the school district in the next few weeks.

But I wanted to pass on this petition for any/all you who want to see a change in school lunches. And I'd also LOVE to know if you've been involved in any way to help change a school lunch program. Please share!


Velma said…
Have you read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - great book.

Just a FYI, the standards for kids lunches are lower than the standards for prison meals.
Caratunk Girl said…
Have you watched the show yet? I got so mad watching it. It is so frustrating to see the resistance to change people have. AND the Federal Requirements that include things like french fries as a vegetable! GRR I could go on and on!! I signed the petition a while back, thank you for posting so maybe more people sign it. Great post.
ShutUpandRun said…
I am all over this. School lunches are high in calories, sodium and fat. Thanks for bringing the petition to my attention!
Anne said…
That's a great cause! When my kids were school age, they brought lunches from home, so it was easier to have some kind of control.
Aimee said…
Oh...school lunches are atrocious! But, what's even worse is that they have candy bars, soda, and cookies for sale too for the kids to buy...yuck! I think Jamie's food revolution is so awesome! I am totally signing the petition!
misszippy said…
I love his show--he's had a really big uphill battle in the town he is in. Anyhow, I have to say I have been lazy about the school lunch thing, simply b/c I have been packing lunches since my son started 4 yrs. ago. That's no excuse though--there are plenty of kids who have to eat this food, so I should get my butt in gear to help the cause. I'm gonna check out the petition--thanks for sharing.
RunToTheFinish said…
I have LONG known that school lunches were HORRIBLE, so I really hope this show brings it to the awareness of everyone!
LMC said…
I don't have children, but I sure support a healthy diet and a good education. I'm convinced that it's impossible to have one without the other, especially for children! I signed the petition.
(To answer your question on my recent post, Niacin=Vitamin B3, treatment for high cholesterol, deficiency linked to dementia)
Teamarcia said…
I just saw JO's show friday while in Boston--love what he's doing but wow the resistance!
I couldn't agree more school lunches need vast improvement. We've nixed the desserts in our district but can still do better.
My kids almost always bring theirs.
teacherwoman said…
I, too, am digusted by the lunches they serve. They keep saying they are trying to make changes but I looked at lunch the other day and they had more carbs - bread, pasta, and something else I can't remember - than fruit or veggies. it's horrible.
Ewa said…
I signed the petition and I really, really hope that helps. School lunches have to change and NOW, but the real change has to start with parents. I know many parents who take kids to fast food places because "that is the only thing their kids will eat". I am yet to see a child who will starve him/her-self when junk food is out of reach but healthy food is available. The change has to come from us too.
Silvergirl said…
I am hooked on the show!! and get so mad every time they declare that a french fry is a vegetable!!! Even know I don't have kids of my own, I will definitely be signing that petition! We need some kind of change in this country to help combat childhood obesity!!
Melissa said…
I love his show!! My son eats a lunch which I prepare and send for him due to what I think is horrible nutrition. Nachos for lunch????

I am on the school board and our food manager and I have talked about trying something like this. The biggest obstacle? Money. We are looking into it though.
Anonymous said…
Loved Jamie Oliver when he was the naked chef- I was so inspired when he would be making all this lovely food and his little girl would be eating it all. That's the way it should be. I am thrilled he has started the Food Revolution. This is part of my desire to garden at the kids school - I hopefully will continue into the grade schools too. I think all children deserve good food and to know where their food comes from. I was amazed that one day all the kids that were working with me in the garden all tried the different herbs that were coming up. Of course, not all of them liked them, but they all tried - that was so awesome. I would like to see all sonoma valley schools have edible schoolyards. Have you read that book by Alice Waters - so inspiring! There needs to be a national shift in thought and behavior. Thanks for posting the petition AnneMarie.
Peace Julie
akjenniekt said…
I actually saw his show about this (and I have been wanting to read his book) and it is truly amazing what they feed these kids- and we wonder why childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic.
Julie said…
Hi Anne Marie,
OMG, don't even get me started on the school lunch programs!! They suck so bad and I get angry just thinking about it! My daughter has been bring her own lunch to school since she was in fourth grade. Those lunches that the school provides are horrible! No wonder kids are having issues with weight!

I hope that you have a wonderful day Anne Marie:)
Sherri said…
Absolutely! I need to become even more actively involved in this issue. A great friend of mom, is right in the line of fire..I just rally behind her. Thanks for posting about this! I personally think, until it improves, we need to do just what Anne said, and provide healthy lunches, well balanced for our kids! That is step one! Showing "them" and our kids that it is worth it, by doing it ourselves!
Sherri said…
I will sign the petition! And become actively involved!
*~*~* Tracy said…
I saw an episode of his show and was just amazed that little kids didn't know that fries came from potatoes or what a tomato was. Very sad.

I will definitely sign the petition. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
Megan said…
I've been watching the show.I signed the petition last week. This is such an important thing to me. I work really hard to feed my kids quality healthy food. But the go to school and are fed things I don't consider food.
Unknown said…
He did the same thing over here too, most of the parents hated it! Some mums even gave their children macdonalds through the school fence, unbelievable!
I stumbled across the show a few weeks ago and I was RIVETED. And then I was angry during a scene where the woman in charge of food decided that there weren't enough vegetables in Jamie's stir-fry and ordered the french fries to be put out so that it would count as a reimbursable meal. French fries are a VEGETABLE??
Unknown said…
Gosh, this is such a HUGE issue where we live! The school lunches at our school are terrible and it seems like NO ONE is speaking out. I kind of feel afraid to say anything as a teacher but I can't believe that our families just let it keep going....blah and so sad!
Thanks for your comments and support on Monday, I totally appreciated your thoughts and wishes, you are so sweet!
Tricia said…
thanks for passing it along

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