Week 27: High School Reunion!
Goals for the Week:
Health: Stick to food intakes, & get a facial, and hair color- fun goals:)
Friends: Maximize my time spent with new/old friends at reunion weekend
Family: Vacuum/pick up house for 30 min/day. My house gets so freakin' dirty/messy FAST.
Athlete: Try 3 new strength training exercises (from Oxygen mag). Choose an olympic tri to complete
Mom: Water appreciation 101 - they need to keep getting their head in the water! bathtub, kiddie pool back yard and outdoor pool.
As always, I try to carve out 15 minutes Sunday night or Monday morning to look at my larger yearly and life goals. These help create my goals for the week. I write them on a book mark I keep in my organizer and attempt to read them each morning as I plan my day.
I'd love to hear about your reunion adventures, or how you go about planning your day and week!